My Story


By Bella Boutique founder, Sabrina Gomez, spent her 20´s as a young, single mom hustling to make ends meet in the corporate world before pivoting into entrepreneurship. She never had a chance to pursue her dreams because there was no time for it. She spent her youth working and going to college full time, doing everything possible to raise her princess Isabella. (Bella) She had a lot of financial responsibilities and longed to graduate from college. (she didn't want to be part of a statistic) She wanted to prove to herself that she could get ahead in life.

Fourteen years later, married and now with three kids, her opportunity finally came during the pandemic when her third daughter Hadassah was born. The longing in her heart was to create her own brand. She didn't have a specific product in mind. She just wanted to have a platform in which she could inspire, empower and encourage other women.

She decided she was going to hand make bows for little girls, when she had a bad experience with bows she would buy for her daughter Hadassah. The bows would cause her discomfort when she would put them on and cause compression marks on her soft head because they were too tight. She thought to herself, "there must be a type of fabric that doesn't cause so much discomfort!"

From one moment to the next, that's how By Bella Boutique was born. By Bella is a homage to her first born daughter Isabella. The person who transformed her life and taught her to bring out the best in her! Sabrina's business started while having her 6 month old strapped to her hip, maintaining a rigid pumping schedule and battling postpartum depression. Obstacles have been present since day one, but Sabrina believes that having a positive mindset is key. She says, “If you think you can, you can. If you think you can't, you're right. It’s up to you to make it happen!”

Not only does she help thousands of little girls feel happy with her buttery soft bows, but she's also committed in making a positive impact in the lives of moms. She makes moms feel absolutely loved and supported through the empowering and encouraging messages that can be found throughout her packaging and social media content. Always 100% focused on community, she is dedicated in serving as a support system for a multitude of women navigating motherhood. A support system she wished she had when she was a single mom. 


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